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Spring 2020

crossed feet up on a table with coffee cup


Imagine it. Lounging with friends on a sunny patio, taking in the sun’s warmth, enjoying pastoral views, sipping a new-to-you beverage that you love. It’s the stuff of a perfect spring afternoon.

Unfortunately in the days of COVID-19, this daydream is postponed, just like some of our favorite events. Getting out to visit the Hudson Valley’s craft beverage makers is one of the warm weather activities we look forward to, and when the time is right, you can bet we’ll be back out there with you.

We are committed to bringing you the next print issue of Hudson Valley Wine Magazine in the summer, as always. Until then, as you hunker down indoors for the next few weeks, wash your hands, keep your social distance, treat yourself to a delicious drink, and stay well.

We’ve got some ideas to help you weather these uncertain times
and support the community:

stacks bottles of white wine in wooded crate

Stock Up

Find something new to try while supporting the region’s beverage makers—by purchasing online. Many tasting rooms are open for pick-up or offer curbside delivery. Start your search here.

overhead view of festival attendees in building with white beams

Plan Ahead

Save the dates for wine and craft beverage events scheduled for late spring and summer. But first, check our events page (often) to be informed of date changes and cancellations.

hand holding cell phone with apps on screen


Reconnect with your “people” online.
Join Hudson Valley Wine Magazine discussions
on Facebook.

white head phone on white background

Listen In

It's time to binge all those podcasts
you’ve been meaning to download
to keep on top of the industry worldwide.

Read Up! These are just some of our favorite articles on HVWineMag.com:

6 Founding Fathers and How
They Shaped Hudson Valley Wine

Brush up on local wine history to impress your friends.

Ease Whatever Ails You

Rejuvenate and stave off symptoms with some natural elixirs.

Summer is Made for Tanked Wine

Look ahead to the refreshing tastes of summer.

Best Books for Wine Lovers

Revisit the “classics.”

Brush Up for Business

Download an on-demand agritourism training workshop and be prepared to grow your business once the COVID crisis is over.

Award News!

We’ve spent over a decade bringing ideas like these to our readers, while also bringing together the region’s craft beverage industry in a shared commitment to serve you. We’re thrilled to announce we’ve been awarded for our efforts! Last month, the New York Wine & Grape Foundation honored our co-founder and managing editor Linda Pierro with the 2020 Phyllis Feder Unity Award. Read more about the awards celebration here.